As The Season Turns is produced in collaboration with Lia Leendertz, author of The Almanac: A Seasonal Guide. The podcast is now in its fifth edition.
Each episode is released on the first of the month and follows the changing landscape of the seasons - from the moon and the stars, to the tides and the trees.
Found Sounds are released on the middle Friday of each month - these brief, gentle snippets of a wild place in the UK are crafted by sound artist Alice Boyd from field recordings, music and interviews.
For our first episode of 2025, we are delighted to welcome this year's musician - the wonderful Sam Lee, who has composed a song for January especially for us. Zoe Gilbert begins the year looking for jelly ear fungus and wood wives. And our presenter Lia Leendertz tells a seasonal folk tale from Somerset.
For the final Found Sound of 2024, we have created a special episode for you. Alice travelled to Somerset to meet our very own Lia Leendertz, Almanac-maker and presenter of As the Season Turns. They visited Stanton Drew Stone Circles, to the south of Bristol, where they talked about stone circle myths, marking the seasons and fresh starts.
In November’s episode we mark the old festival of Samhain, and the end of the harvest - while in our ancient woodland the animals, too, are saying goodbye to autumn. The Breath sing ‘All That You Have Been’, a song for this dark month. To lighten the dark we explore fire folklore and Lia tells a tale of spiders and fire, traditional to the Hopi Nation.
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